Help & How To’s


Here are some answers to some frequently asked questions:

How do I...

Change my username or password?
Send us an email at and include your pharmacy name and address, your old username and password and your new username and password. We will confirm your new username and password within 1 business day.

Change my contact information?
Go to the Manage my Subscription page and you can resubmit there.

Change my pharmacy name/address/phone on the printable sheets?
Go to the Manage my Subscription page and submit the information to MRI. Please allow 3 business days for the changes to take effect.

Renew my subscription
Go to the Manage my Subscription page, check the information on your subscription and click on the "renew my subscription" button at the bottom of the page.

Print out a sheet
Search the database for the sheet you are looking for. Once the sheet is displayed, press print and the webpage will access your browser's print function and the sheet will print out.

Print a French datasheet
Find the English version of the sheet that you need. Click on the "Francais" button at the top right corner and the French version will be displayed. Click the print button to print out the datasheet as usual.

Get a copy of my receipt?
Go to the Manage my Subscription page and click the "Generate Receipt" button towards the bottom of the page.

Get my username and password?
You should receive confirmation of your username and password from customer service via email immediately after making your purchase on-line or when your mail-in order form is received. If you do not obtain this information within 3 business days of mailing the form you can email with your customer information.

If you have lost your username and password, email with your customer information and someone will contact you.

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